Useful R tools

8 minute read

A great advantage of R over other statistical software (such as SAS, STATA) is that it is open source, and allows millions of programmers to contribute to the community.

Tons of R packages are being created everyday. Mastering a couple of useful packages can help a great deal in daily statistical analysis. This article is indended to introduce you to a few widely-used R packages in topics such as data cleanning, data presentation, and advanced plotting.

Other resource:

R regular expressions

Regular expression in R

How to read large datasets in R

Say you have one file as big as 10+ GB, but only a subset of the data would be useful. Reading the file as a whole basically copies the file in R, takes a lot of space and requires large memory.

solution 1: line by line

One way to solve is by importing dataset line by line. Check if this row is needed; if yes, save it; else go to next line.

Here’s how to import in a line-by-line fashion:

# open connection with  target file
con  <- file(inputfile, open = "r")

# while loop: if a new line exists, continue scanning
while (length(oneLine <- scan(con, nlines = 1,what='character',
sep='\t',quiet = T)) > 0)
  if( oneLine should be selected ){
    save oneLine

  # keep track of how many rows you've scanned
  if(ct_row %% 100000 ==0 ){
    cat('at row',ct_row,'\n')


# finally close connection with target file

The file() function enables users to build a connection to the specified file. When a connection is opened, one can incrementally read or write a piece of data from or to the specified file, using functions such as readLines, writeLines etc.

solution 2: data.table package

A data.table is like a data.frame, but with much simpler manipulation operations. The package also enables faster data importation into data.table format:
my_table = fread("file_name.txt")

data.table subsetting
Subsetting a data.table follows similar syntax as subsetting a data.frame: DT[i,j,g], where i for rows, j for columns and g for grouping.

  • i, row selection examples:
    DT[1:3,] or
    DT[logical_vector,] such as: DT[var1=="certain_value",]

  • j, column selection or column calculation:
    DT[,1:3] : select column 1 to 3
    DT[,.(new_var = var1 + var2)] : only return the new column new_var
    DT[,.(var1,var2)] : column selection DT[,.(mean=sum(var1),max=max(var2))]: column calculations
    DT[selection, .N]: .N is a special sentence to return number of observations

  • g: calculation by group:
    DT[,.(mean_arr_delay = mean(arr_delay),.(carrier, origin)] # mean arr_delay by carrier and origin

    DT[, .(mean_arr_delay = mean(arr_delay), .(distance > 1000)] # mean arrival delay in flights with distance > 1000 and distance <= 1000

    • with = :
      some times we want to refer to columns by string variables , but data.table wouldn’t recognize that. To be able to do this, we need to restore the data.frame functionality by setting with=F:
      x="arr_delay"  # column name in string
      DT[,x, with=F]  # considered as data.frame if with=F

data.table functions

  • set(DT,i,j,value):
    used to change value of elements in a data.table. Eg:

      r = c(1:3)
      c = c(1:3)
      set(DT,r,c,value = 1) # set top left 3*3 to 1

More introductions: data.table cheat sheet, and data.table introduction.

Use package dyplr for data handling

  • filter(data, logical _vector1, logical _vector2):

    get the data subset, where logical _vector is true.

  • arrange(data, var1, var2, var3):
    • sort rows of data first by var1, then var2, and var3 in increasing order
    • to use decreasing order, replace variable by desc(variable)
    • missing values are always arranged to the end
  • select( data, var1, var2, var3):
    • like filter, but it selects columns.
    • can use other column specifications: - var1:var2 (all columns from var1 to var2)
    • start _with('***') (columns whose names start with ***)
    • ends _with('***')
    • contains('***')
    • $\ldots$
  • mutate(data, new_var= value_vec)

    add a new column new_var and assign it with value value_vec
    use transmute() when only want to keep new variables. Eg:

    >head(mutate(iris,neg_sepal=-Sepal.Width),2) # doesn't change the original data frame
     Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species neg_sepal
       1	     5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa      -3.5
       2  	     4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa      -3.0
    > head(transmute(iris,neg_sepal=-Sepal.Width),2) # only give new variable
    1      -3.5
    2      -3.0

  • summarise(data, var_name= < calculation of variables in data> )
    • output the given calculation under the name var _name
    • it’s more useful when summarise() is combined with group_by():
# group rows
grouped = group_by(data, group_var)
# summarize by each group
summarise (grouped, var_name= < calculation of variables in data>)  
# example:
> temp=group_by(iris,Species)
> summarise(temp,out=mean(Sepal.Length/Sepal.Width))
Source: local data frame [3 x 2]
	  Species      out
   	   <fctr>    <dbl>
1     setosa 1.470188
2 versicolor 2.160402
3  virginica 2.230453

The first command group data rows by group_var, then the second command will return summary statistics with regarding each group. (can use function n() to calculate number of samples in each group)

  • The use of pipe %>% : ` x %>% f(y) = f(x,y)`

    simply leave the position of x unspecified in f(y).

  • work with package tibble :advanced version of data frame.

    • Some useful functions:
      as _data _frame(), data _frame()

Data cleaning: tidyr

  • spread(data, key= var1, value= var2):
    • var1 is categorical, and var2 is var1’s corresponding value
    • this function then spreads var1 into multiple columns convert a dataset from long to wide
  • gather(data, key, values, columns)
    • columns are gathered, key are column names, and values are corresponding column values
    • convert from wide to long
  • separate(data, var, into=c(...), sep)
    • separate a column of data into columns, by using separator sep
    • var is the variable to be separated, into gives column names after separation, and sep stands for the separator (e.g. sep=2 means separating from the second character)
  • unite(data, new_var, cols, sep )
    • does the opposite of separate()
    • new_var is the new variable’s name after union, cols are for specification of columns to be united, and sep is the separator to be used

Use ggplot2 for data presentation

General syntax of ggplot2:

pic = ggplot(data = <DATA>) + 
	   <GEOM_FUNCTION>(mapping = aes(<MAPPINGS>), 
	   stat = <STAT>, position = <POSITION> ) +  


all kinds of plot:

  • Plot heatmap:
    gglot2– heatmap guide

  • Plot lines:
    ggplot( data, aes(x_axis, y_axis, group= grouping_variable) ) + geom_line()

  • Plot boxplots: ggplot(data) + geom_boxplot( aes( ... )) + etc.

  • Plot bars: (count data, or histogram)
    ggplot(data) + geom_bar( aes(x=x_variable), fill=x_var ) will plot counts for x_variable in the data; fill=. determines the color of each bar; set parameter position to be stack, dodge or identity for different bar presentation.

  • Plot points: ggplot(data) + geom_point(mapping = aes(x= x_var,y=y_var, color = group_var, size= size_indicator)) Plot y against x, and points are grouped by group_var, and point size determined by size_indicator. Other useful parameters are: shape, alpha( for transparency)

  • Plot ribbons or areas: ggplot(data) + geom_area(aes(x,y,fill, group),position='stack')

  • Add legends:

Frequently used commands:

+ xlab('xlab name') # add x/y axis names

+ ggtitle('title name')} # add title to ggplot

+ ylim(low_bound, up_bound) # set limits to axis limits to figure. Same thing for + xlim()

+ geom_smooth() 
 	# can be used in geom_point() mode to plot a smoothed line; 
 	# often used with subset() function embedded 
+ geom_hline(yintercept = value, size = , color = )
+ geom_vline(xintercept = value, size = , color = )
	# add horizontal, vertical lines

+ coord_polar() 
	# use polar coordinate instead of the default cartesian coordinate.

+ coord_flip() # transpose x and y

+ geom_histogram()

+ geom_density()  # plot fitted density curve (using kernel density estimation)

+ geom_freqpoly() # plot fitted frequency curve

+ geom_violin(aes(...) ) # violin plot

+ facet_wrap(~ var_name) 
	# plot one figure for each level of variable var_name}.

+ facet_grid(var1 ~ var2) 
 	# similar to facet_wrap, treat var1*var2 as the level indicator

+ coord_trans(x='...',y='...') 
	# replace ... with 'sqrt', 'log10' etc to perform data transformation

+ coord_cartesian(xlim= , ylim= , expand= )
  # set coordinate limits

+ annotate("text",x,y,label="lable") 
	# add text at coordinate (x,y)

+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),hjust=1)
	# rotate x axis text


For Bayesians: coda

  • mcmc(data, ... ):
    • create mcmc object
    • data is a vector of samples for one parameter, or matrix of samples for multiple parameter (each columns for one parameter )
  • plot(mcmc_obj) can get traces and density estimates

  • use autocorr.diag(), autocorr.plot() to check out auto-correlation between samples.

  • rejectionRate( mcmc_obj ) Calculate rejection probability for each parameter in the mcmc object.

  • geweke.diag(mcmc_obj) and geweke.plot(mcmc_obj):
    • visualization of mixing performance
    • difference of mean test between the first 0.1 and the last 0.5 proportion. Lots of points outside the Z-score [-2,2] region indicates bad mixing

Use package igraph

plot trees and networks

  • plot directed network:
parents=c(1,1,2,2,3,4) # specify parent of each node
ids=c(2,3,3,4,5,5) # id of each child
data=data.frame(id,parent) # create igraph type of graph
plot(g) # plot the graph
  • plot trees
    Steps are similar to plotting networks, but you need to specify layout method so that the output is clearly a tree.
data=data.frame(id=c(1:5),parent=c(1,1,2,2,3)) # create igraph type of graph
plot(g,layout=layout.reingold.tilford) # plot the graph


Global variable

There are two ways to assign values to parameters in the global environment, either using <<- or assign():

x <<- x+3
# or: assign("x",x+3,envir=.GlobalEnv)

Install R packages on server

Sometimes when using install.packages("pack_name") in a cluster environment it returns package *** not found, which doesn’t happen when we run it on our own computer.
Fortunately, this usually could be solved just by adding repos=""(See install R packages in cluster)

Useful functions

  • match(x,elts): returns a vector of the first appearance location of each elements of elts in x

  • tabulate(x) : like table(x), but just returns the vector, no other attributes is returned

